Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

An Aesop Fable

A shepherd boy was in charge of tending a flock of sheep. Every morning he took the sheep to a meadow near his village. Every evening he brought the sheep back home. All day long he watched the sheep to make sure they were not harmed or didn’t wander off and get lost. One day the shepherd boy began to complain. “I am bored,” he said. “There is nothing to do but watch these silly sheep eat grass. Nothing different ever happens.” As he watched the sheep munching on the tall green grass, he had an idea. What fun it would be to fool the villagers. He would pretend that a wolf was attacking the flock of sheep. “Wolf! Wolf!” he shouted. The villagers came running with pitchforks and clubs to drive off the wolf. When they arrived there was no wolf. There was just the naughty shepherd boy laughing his head off. Again and again, the shepherd boy called wolf. Again and again the villagers came. Each time there was no wolf. At last, one day, a hungry wolf crept up on the flock. When the shepherd boy saw the wolf, he began to shout, “Wolf! Wolf!” He shouted and shouted, but no one came. The villagers thought the boy was up to his old tricks, so they ignored his calls. The wolf killed sheep after sheep before the boy finally drove it away. The shepherd boy finally learned that no one believes a liar even when he is telling the truth.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I'm getting absolutely fed up with the Federal Government. Congress is supposed to be limited to a certain number of jobs. These were listed at the time of the founding of our country. Go look them up. You'll find the listing in Article I, Section 8 of our great Constitution. I've even provided a link for you to the right.
You will not find anything in there about handing out money to private companies. Nope. Nothing about Health care. Nothing about social handouts. Our government has a specific list of tasks that, if stuck to, would render it much more efficient. I heard something on the radio a few days ago about a bill in congress designed to discourage and prevent voyeurism and illegal child and other pornography.
This bill states that cellular phone manufacturers would be required to make all camera phones make some sort of noise when taking a picture, whether the sound is disabled or not. The intent is to make the person taking a picture noticed. My phone already does this. I can't turn the damn noise off. I don't take "naughty" pictures, but I can't stand that noise just the same. I'm a fairly low profile kind of person, and would prefer to stay that way. Consequently, I don't use my phone camera much.
I do use my digital camera, it doesn't make a noise, and is barely larger than my phone. Therein lies one major fault of this bill. Another is that a determined person could defeat the noise one way or another anyway. How about tape over the speaker? How loud does the requirement say the noise has to be?
Every time I am near a place populated with children, most everyone has to practically yell in order to be heard. Fat lot of good a little clicky noise would do then. It is a ridiculous bill, and should not be in congress in the first place. Leave those things to the states, as our Constitution says to do. Social programs, as well.
Some people are legitimately receiving welfare, but far too many are just soaking up free money. How about an experiment? Close the Federal social programs down, and pass the responsibility to the states. See how many pick them up. Not all will. Those that do, will have an influx of people who want to take advantage of other peoples' money, then those who are making the money will move away. The economy may not collapse in that state, but it will recede. Bet on it. It wouldn't be long before those governmental social programs would be out the window. Ultimately, those programs would end up as charities, pandering for donations.
Likewise with these ridiculous proposals like this camera phone bill. Toss it out there for a few states to try out. See how many really think it's worth a darn. Then watch the crime rates in those states. My bet is that it would do little, if anything, to lower crime rates. The criminals will simply adapt. We are humans, and we are good at that.
Gun control laws are the same way. Leave my guns alone. If a man enters my home with intentions of using deadly force, or decides after he enters that he wants to use deadly force, against me or anyone in my home, my only options are to use deadly force, or die. Maybe watch family members or friends die. Government is trying to legislate away my right to defend myself and my family. If I do not have the option of using a gun against a gun or knife wielding intruder, and I perish as a result, my blood and that of my family is on the hands of the bastards who took away my right to life, and the defense thereof. Give me a law that says no one may own a gun, and show me a criminal who will abide by that. I will abide by it, and maybe suffer death or injury as a result.
As far as these monetary handouts, I've already blogged on that. I stand by my opinion. Let the companies who refuse to adapt suffer their fates. We will emerge stronger for it.
In Calhoun County, Michigan, a small item was placed on the agenda with a motion to pass. It had to do with support of a new "assault weapons" ban. Apparently, many phone calls were made concerning this item, and it was removed from the agenda before the meeting. Media even announced that it had been removed. Even so, nearly 300 people showed up to voice their opinion on the item. To put it shortly, the people were pi$$ed. I am proud of those people. Watch your local area gov't. You never know what might be getting shoved through.
Government has gotten way too big. They have their hands and fingers in our pockets, and in all kinds of things that they do not want to let go of. We have let this happen, through our complacency. We, the people, have become lazy, and take for granted that someone else will fight our fight. Guess what. That attitude is going to cost us, it already costs us. Start attending local government meetings. Watch meeting minutes online, watch agendas in your county or township. Show up when something you don't like pops up, or show up to show your support when something you do like pops up. YOU are in charge. NOT the elected officials, NOT the law enforcement, NOT the government. They are PUBLIC SERVANTS. THE GOVERNMENT IS SUPPOSED TO BE YOU.

Million Gun Owner March

The Million Gun Owner March (read and get involved) This is a January 4, 2009 News Release

Michigan Takes Lead in Organizing National Gun Rights Rally

The Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners (http://www.mcrgo.org), the largest state-based firearms advocacy group in America, is laying the groundwork for a national rally in Washington D.C. next spring. The Million Gun Owner March will demonstrate broad national support for the recognition--and preservation--of the Second Amendment.

"In the wake of last spring's D.C. vs. Heller U.S. Supreme Court decision which protects an individual's right to possess a firearm for private use and the renewed importance placed on the issue of gun rights across the country, the time is ideal for this historic gathering of gun owners at our national and state capitols," stated State Senator Alan Cropsey (R-DeWitt), a member of the MCRGO Board of Directors.

"Our lawmakers need to understand that America's gun owners come from all races, genders, political viewpoints and economic backgrounds," added Chuck Perricone, MCRGO's Executive Director.

The Million Gun Owner March is the brainchild of Michigan based author and Second Amendment advocate, Skip Coryell (http://www.whitefeatherpress.com). Mr. Coryell recognized the need to speak up after receiving an e-mail from a distraught woman in Belgium who related the story of a knife attack at a daycare facility in that country following a draconian gun ban that left staff helpless. Many gun owners have expressed fears in recent months that legislation to restrict access to firearms for personal defense may soon be introduced in Congress and state legislatures.

"This is the beginning of a period of historic change in our nation's history and it is no time for the timid. This is a time for brave men and women to stand up and be counted. We want our children to inherit the same freedom our forefathers know. Freedom has to be protected or it will fail. We are at a crossroads. The time to act is now," explained Mr. Coryell.

Rock-n-roll legend and Second Amendment activist Ted Nugent reinforced MCRGO's efforts by adding his enthusiastic support for the march: "A Million Gun Owner March on Washington DC in the Spring of 2010 is indeed building much steam across the hinterland. All pro-Second amendment groups must be on board and perfectly coordinated. I would be proud to rally, promote, lead and speak to whatever degree the people so honor me with."

MCRGO is building partnerships with a variety of organizations around the country to plan the Million Gun Owner March in Washington for the spring of 2010. The day long rally will occur simultaneously with events at state capitols all over the United States and in many local communities. People interested in receiving more information about the event and volunteering to be a local organizer can register at http://www.milliongunownermarch.com beginning Friday, February 6, 2009. Questions regarding the event can be directed to Skip Coryell at skip@milliongunownermarch.com .

"Michigan is enthusiastic about taking the lead role in organizing this march," said State Representative Joel Sheltrown (D-West Branch), the First Vice Chair of MCRGO. "We have already seen an outpouring of community interest and support for this effort from churches to union halls in every corner of our state. I encourage Michigan gun owners to help make history by offering their help for the Million Gun Owner March."

Get some Backbone

Prime Minister John Howard , Australia:
Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.
Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques.
Quote: 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians'.
'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom'. 'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!'
'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'
'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'
'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom,
'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'

Maybe if we circulate this amongst ourselves, American citizens will find the backbone to start speaking and voicing the same truths.

No, the PM did not really say these things. Well, sorta. I really like the premise, though. I don't feel like going through and changing what needs to be changed, so I'm going to include a couple links for you to see for yourself. It's not necessary, because the meaning of the article is what counts. For those of you who are fact snobs, look here, and here.

Crappy day

Yesterday was a pain in my ass. First thing I did was forget completely about an appointment to go measure a job. I was supposed to be in Metamora at 9:00 am. I received a phone call at 9:34 while I was watching the weather channel and eating my bacon, eggs, and grits. "Hello, this is ***** **********". My response was "Oh, crap". I hurried up to finish breakfast, showered, and ran out the door. I bs'd with the homeowner for quite a while, trying to figure out what was best for him, then split. I hit the road around 12:30. I was supposed to go to Saginaw for another 12:00 MOC meeting with Steve. He was conveniently unavailable again. Same as last time. I had a little time now to get some laundry done, something I needed to do anyway. I went to meet Tiffany for lunch, then went home. I realized that I needed to rotate my tires before getting all cleaned up for the Daddy/Daughter dance later. I had just enough time. I rolled the car in the garage, and began to loosen lugnuts all the way around. The ones on the left front tire were on so tight that the breaker bar beat the hell out of my hands with the vibration, but they all came loose. The ones on the right front were just as tight, except one. THAT one was so tight, it would NOT come loose. I pulled so friggin hard on the breaker bar the the tire actually spun on the concrete, then the #*&%$*# chrome casing on the lugnut broke loose. That left me with a lugnut that has no proper sized socket. I fought and fought with that bastard, but it would not come loose. I finally had to give up, retighten the other lugnuts, and go get ready. By this time, I was going to be late. I went in and cleaned up, dressed up, and ran out the door in time to pick up my daughter ten minutes behind schedule. We went to the dance, had a good time, then went out for dinner afterward. I dropper her off at around 8:00, then called Tiffany. That's a whole other story, though. I never did get laundry done. At least I have a picture of me and Savanna at the dance...